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Oxford House Links

Oxford House Home page

YouTube video on OH describing our collaboration titled: “Community Psychology: Partnerships for Social Justice”:

Video that features Lenny Jason describing Oxford Houses:

Wichita, Kansas Oxford House organization:

Video of Oxford Houses in Georgia:

Jackson Longan’s presentation at one of the OH conventions on different types of OHs

Here is a group of residents from the first Oxford House in Atlanta singing a song on the road to recovery in this YouTube video:

These YouTube brief videos provide an idea of what occurs during an interview for a person seeking entry into an Oxford House:

Second part of the intake process for an Oxford House:

60 minutes tap of Oxford House cropped down to 2 minutes

SAMSHA’s National Registry of Evidence -Based program and practices

Other Important links to Organizations

National Alliance for Recovery Residences

National Council on Alcoholism and Drug
Dependence, Inc. (NCADD)

Partnership for Drug Free Kids

Legal Action Center

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)

SAMSHA’s National Registry of Evidence -Based program and practices

This website offers addiction treatment programs in Illinois: https://www.northernillinoisrecovery.com/

A wealth of addiction treatment resources available in Illinois including a free & Confidential 24/7 Rehab Helpline: https://www.freerehabcenters.org/state/Illinois

This is a site with helpful resources for Illinois AA meetings: https://sober.com/aa-meetings/illinois/chicago/

Steve Neale’s daughter, Shannon, entering 7th grade this year, found this guide to be very helpful: www.whitesandstreatment.com/interactive-lesson-guide-parents-teachers-teach-kids-drugs-alcohol/

This website provides free resources and information to help overcome substance abuse, as well as a comprehensive directory that connects individuals struggling with opioid addiction to methadone treatment centers: https://www.methadonecenters.com/directory/illinois/

Here is a useful guide with tips to help people find a job after rehab: https://novoresume.com/career-blog/how-to-find-a-job-after-rehab

Rehab.com works with local governments to reduce drug related overdoses in their communities https://www.rehab.com/illinois

A useful guide that covers everything from job searching and interview preparation to addressing employment gaps and understanding the laws that protect them: https://www.resumebuilder.com/employment-guide-for-people-in-substance-abuse-recovery/

Information about Illinois tenant rights and landlord responsibilities regarding security deposit limits, rent increases, and eviction laws: https://ipropertymanagement.com/laws/illinois-landlord-tenant-rights

Making a Difference in a Mental Health Career was created to inspire people to get involved in supporting people with mental health concerns and to become powerful advocates for this severely under-resourced area of global concern.

Nicole Wingfield from American Addiction Centers (AAC), who offer up-to-date and helpful information about addiction, recommended these links:




Sarah Witmer provided us this useful Blood Alcohol Content Calculator

National Rehab Centers:   www.onthewagon.org/national-rehab-centers/

Here is information regarding drug and alcohol addiction and connects college students who are struggling to treatment centers that fit their specific needs: AddictionCenter.com

Here is a guide to help students with substance abuse issues: https://www.intelligent.com/substance-abuse-recovery-support-guide-for-college-students/

Another useful guide is on student-athletes and alcohol abuse: https://alcoholrehabhelp.org/blog/athletes-alcoholism/

Michael Miller has been working with groups like the University of Texas at Austin School of Nursing to help folks struggling with addiction find free help and you can check out our resources here: https://freerehabcenters.org

“Managing Your Mental Health in College,” published by Online Counseling Programs offers a commendable list of resources for students seeking help with their mental health. It outlines the main challenges affecting college students’ mental health, as well as ways in which counselors can support their students and improve mental health access on college campuses. Below is the URL to this resource: https://onlinecounselingprograms.com/resources/mental-health-and-college-students/

Julie Craig mentioned that many seniors now are increasingly willing to seek mental health care, but new research shows that more than 60% do not know for certain that Medicare provides mental health care coverage.  The following comprehensive guides aim to help Medicare recipients identify the different types of outpatient and inpatient services that are covered, eligibility, and most importantly how to get help paying for services and medications.

This website provides information and resources for individuals and families struggling with addiction but may have limited financial resources: https://www.addictiongroup.org/addiction/low-income/

Kevin Dawson provided this useful guide regarding Addictions in College: What They Are & How to Avoid Them”: https://psychologywriting.com/blog/addictions-in-college-what-they-are-how-to-avoid-them/

Folks that suffer from mental health issues such as anxiety or depression often wonder if these illnesses can affect issues with eating. There is a useful guide that breaks down the link between anxiety and depression, and eating disorders, and it shows research-based information on how to help diagnose and treatments that have been shown effective so those suffering can get the help they need https://withinhealth.com/learn/the-relationship-between-anxiety-depression-and-overeating

This website provides a guide to help those living with ADHD who might also be experiencing binge eating disorder: https://withinhealth.com/learn/the-relationship-between-adhd-and-binge-eating-disorder

Check this out for information on the relationship between alcohol use and weight: https://alcoholrehabhelp.org/blog/weight-loss/.

A guide by Addiction Group on inpatient treatment contains valuable information such as How to prepare to enter treatment — what you need to pack, tying up loose ends, etc; What to look for in a rehab center; How much does rehab cost.  https://www.addictiongroup.org/treatment/options/inpatient/

Pinnacle Peak Recovery has published a helpful guide for those in recovery to find the best support group for their needs: https://www.pinnaclepeakrecovery.com/drug-alcohol-addiction-support-groups/

Jessica Cooper sent me this useful guide to help families better understand addiction and how to help family members in need: https://www.addictiongroup.org/treatment/options/outpatient/

Taylor Kerr sent me this content on cell phone addiction that you may find helpful. Here’s the link: https://www.innerbody.com/understanding-internet-addiction

This website is dedicated to social media addiction, as it sheds interesting insight into many trends like which app is the most dangerous, is social media addiction on the rise, are mental health issues increasing: lanierlawfirm.com/social-media-addiction/

Here is another website that provides insight into social media addiction and doomscrolling: https://ivypanda.com/blog/doomscrolling-the-new-drug-of-the-21st-century/

Marcel Gemme’s organization has been helping people with addiction for over two decades. Their website provides viewers lots of choices:   https://www.addicted.org/

A girl scout troop is currently working on the DEA Red Ribbon Patch and they found the resources on our page helpful. Their troop asked if I could add this drunk driving guide  and the ‘Risks and Consequences of Drunk Driving’ section provides a realistic overview of the price one pays for driving under the influence: https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.newjerseycriminallawattorney.com%2Flegal-articles-information%2Fdrunk-driving-criminals-stats-risks-and-consequences%2F&data=04%7C01%7Cljason%40depaul.edu%7C1b55f72582564659637c08d9fd28d1f0%7C750d3a3f1f464da28a647605e75ea2f9%7C0%7C0%7C637819174595727066%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000&sdata=VfNbvqLCJ8%2F0ilg%2Bw7hxCP3qfTgJLgQQP2MEZL1Q%2Fcw%3D&reserved=0

Monica Williams has provided us information about Harmony Recovery Center for those looking for addiction and mental health treatment http://harmonyrecoverync.com/

Betty Anderson of Riverwalk Recovery has developed an informational guide to exploring substance abuse in relation to the “community” – including statistics, risk factors, how to help, and more! https://riverwalkrecovery.com

Betty also wanted our viewers to know about the Midwood Addiction Treatment Center located in Charlotte, NC. https://www.midwoodaddictiontreatment.com/

Kelly Mowry shared with us information about Harmony Oaks Recovery Center located in Chattanooga, Tennessee  https://harmonyoaksrecovery.com/

Lynn Blackwood is part of the Community Outreach team at https://harmonyhealingnj.com where she has assembled a comprehensive resource library on substance use disorders.

Melissa Lopez does PR at Through The Archway located in sunny Tamarac, FL and her website can be helpful for those struggling with substance use disorder:  https://throughthearchway.com/

Jessica Moore with South East Addiction  has sent me helpful information on the addiction treatment center located in Nashville, TN which is at this link: https://southeastaddictiontn.com/

Laura Kelly and Andrea Baker at Blue Hills Recovery Center in Worcester, MA. At  https://bluehillsrecovery.com/  have created a therapeutic and safe environment for those who struggle with drug and alcohol addictions and a range of mental health disorders.

Lisa Grant at Sylvia Brafman Mental Health Center located in Tamarac, FL. sent me this link on addiction and mental health treatment. https://sylviabrafman.com/

Carlos Picket at the Desert Rose Recovery based in Palm Beach Gardens, FL. Sent me another useful link at https://www.desertroserecovery.com/ which can help those struggling with substance abuse in the Palm beach area.

Cheryl Moore at Better Tomorrow Treatment Center located in West Palm Beach, FL. Has a useful website for those looking to safely detox from their alcohol or drug addiction? https://bettertomorrowtc.com/

There is useful information on this website about a recovery ranch in Texas: https://plumcreekrecoveryranch.com/

Jenny Long sent me a useful guide that breaks down the difference between inpatient and outpatient rehab, what happens at inpatient rehab, and how to choose the perfect inpatient treatment center for you or your loved one.  https://alcoholrehabhelp.org/treatment/inpatient-rehabilitation/


Other useful sites for addiction recovery centers: